Search Services

We find the right people for your company's success!

<span>Search</span> Services
At Halian, we believe that successful recruitment goes beyond just filling positions. Our comprehensive approach ensures that we understand your business needs and deliver candidates who are not only qualified but also a cultural fit. You have the strategy, we find the best talent!

Why Choose Halian

  • Consultation & Planning:

    We start by understanding your business goals and workforce requirements.

  • Tailored Talent Strategy:

    We develop a customized strategy based on your specific needs and industry trends.

  • Talent Sourcing:

    Utilizing our extensive network, we source candidates who match your criteria.

  • Candidate Screening:

    Our rigorous screening process ensures that we present you with the best talent available.

  • Placement & Onboarding:

    We assist with the placement and onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Ongoing Support:

    Our commitment doesn't end with placement. We provide ongoing support to ensure satisfaction and performance.

Check our Salary Survey and Market Overviews today and excel your strategy

Check our Salary Survey and Market Overviews today and excel your strategy

Discover the Industries We Work With

Benefits of Permanent Recruitment with Halian:

  • Long-Term Success: Build a strong, cohesive team that drives your business forward.
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimize your staffing budget with strategically planned hires.
  • Access to Top Talent: Leverage our extensive network to find the best professionals.
  • Reduced Turnover: Hire candidates who are a great fit for your company, reducing turnover rates.
  • Strategic Alignment: Ensure that your new hires align with your business strategy and culture.

Professions We Hire In

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

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Data & AI

Data & AI

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Infrastructure & Cloud

Infrastructure & Cloud

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Projects & Change

Projects & Change

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Software Engineering

Software Engineering

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Marketing & Communications

Marketing & Communications

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Human Resources

Human Resources

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Personal & Executive Assistants

Personal & Executive Assistants

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Ready to enhance your workforce with top-tier talent?

Our experienced consultants:


Jack Macauley

SVP - Sales


Zeshan Parvais

Director - Non-Tech


Thilo Wagner

Executive Director - Permanent Recruitment Germany


Ready for Tomorrow?

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